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29 Nov 2011


Red Petal was born out of a love for beautiful jewels, an unsuccessful search for well made, high quality jewellery at realistic prices and in the right colour and style...and requests from friends for me to make them jewellery (before Red Petal officially came into existence!).
I simply love everything that sparkles and shines, gleams and glistens, and am not one for sitting around idle and always need to be doing something.
I was introduced to beading by a friend a few years ago, and quite simply, fell in love with all the beautiful beads that were available so jumped at the chance to give it a go.
I am a self confessed perfectionist and could never find what I wanted in the stores. Much of what was around in shops was either very cheaply made, not worth its price tag or too chunky and 'big' for what I liked or wanted.  So, I started to make my own jewellery and soon my pieces were receiving quite a bit of attention from friends and acquaintances.  Before I knew it I was making jewellery for other people on their request.
I get such a kick out of seeing the delight on people's faces when I finish a piece and hand it over to its new owner, and knowing that it will continue to give them joy.
I hope my jewellery gives you the same enjoyment and delight!
Jewellery designed and made by me - exclusively for you!


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